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作者: 澳门新葡平台网址8883   发布时间:2021-11-19 16:14  阅读人数:





2020年01月至今 澳门新葡平台网址8883 澳门新葡平台网址8883

2017.09~2019.12:成都市血液中心| 血液研究室 | 助理研究员

2012.09~2017.06:中科院成都生物所|药物与临床转化室| 药物化学 | 博士

2011.09-2012.08:四川科瑞德制药股份有限公司| 学术经理

2008.09-2011.07:四川大学 生物治疗国家重点实验室|细胞生物学|硕士



1.S Liu, L Luo, G Xi, L Wan, L Zhong, X Chen, T Gong,N Li*. Seroprevalence and Risk Factors on Syphilis among Blood Donors in Chengdu, China, from 2005-2017. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2019.05

2.N Li, X Huang, J Zou, G Chen, G Liu, M Li, J Dong, F Du, X Cui, Z Tang. Evolution of Microbial Biosensor Based on Functional RNA through FACS. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical. 2018.04

3.G Chen, J Dong, Y Yuan,N Li, X Huang, X Cui, Z Tang. A general solution for opening double-stranded DNA for isothermal detection methods. Scientific reports.2016.

4.Y Zhao, G Chen, Y Yuan,N Li, J Dong, X Huang, X Cui, Z Tang, Sequence -specific RNA Photocleavage by Single-stranded DNA in Presence of Riboflavin. Scientific reports.2015.

5.N Li, Y He, L Wang, C Mo, J Zhang, W Zhang, J Li, Z Liao, X Tang, H Xiao. D-galactose Induces Necropoptotic Cell Death in Neuroblastoma Cell Lines. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 112:3834–3844 (2011)
